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Run 10k


Run 10km (6.2 miles) with this simple series of interval workouts designed to gradually build your endurance. The Run 10k app is perfect for beginner runners and former runners who want to start up running again. This app keeps track of your workout progress and has built-in voice prompts to coach you through each workout.

The program follows a 3-days-a-week workout schedule over 13 weeks, alternating walking and running intervals for each workout.

If you're not sure about a 10k or would like to start with a 5k, you can train first with our Run 5k app and then switch to Run 10k when you're done. Start around Week 5 in the app to continue your training.

Run 10k was created by Lucius Kwok and Kasten Searles.

* Each workout lasts close to an hour, plus a 5-minute warmup and 5-minute cooldown.
* Alternate between jogging and walking intervals for each workout.
* Intervals gradually become more challenging to build your running endurance.
* Full program takes 13 weeks, but you can start at any point.
* Female, male, or beep prompts tell you when to jog and when to walk.
* Prompts at the halfway mark and 1-minute-left mark.
* User-friendly display showing time elapsed, total time remaining,
and time remaining for each interval.
* Checks off and tracks the date of each completed workout.
* Use it with your own playlists - music, podcasts, or other audio.
* Use it along with Nike+ to track your distance.
* Built-in music controls so you don't have to leave the app to change
your music.
* Option to update Facebook and/or Twitter at the end of each workout.

Legal Disclaimer: This app and any information given by it or by Felt Tip Inc are for educational purposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program.
What's new in Version 2.0.1
• Fixes bug where audio prompts are not played when screen is locked, by making sure app is in Notification Center. (If it still doesn't work, manually turn on notifications for Run 10k in the Settings app, in Notifications.)

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